
My Favorite Halloween Websites

When it comes to my Halloween inspo there's no better place than the Internet and as I've been obsessed with Halloween for many years I've pretty much seen every Halloween website that's come and gone and there's always something I've taken from them.
 When I was younger probably around thirteen there used to be amazing websites for kids out there such as the Hershey's Haunted house which was my favourite and just gave an incredible view of the history of Halloween there was also the Ben & Jerry's flavour graveyard and the Family Fun website and the three of those in particular were websites I'd visit everyday and have given me so many DIY Halloween ideas. I've searched high and low for these three websites and they've seemed to just vanish which makes me so sad you've no idea. They were websites I'd have loved to show my kids one day but it just meant I went further afield and started looking up new websites for Halloween whether they be DIY, the history or Youtube videos I searched them all and found 5 that I love and get me in the Halloween spirit each and every time I visit.

Top 5's -
I've started this list with the Top 5's Youtube channel and their website and I've wanted to do a separate post on this channel for a long time but I feel like it really fits in today's post. I discovered this channel a few months ago and immediately became obsessed it's practically a top 5 countdown but on everything I'm interested in like the paranormal, the unknown, myths and legends and it's one account that I literally cannot get enough of. I will do my make up and have these videos playing on Youtube on my phone in the background and the channel get exceptionally good around this time of the year with their Halloween playlist which you just have to check out, believe me if you want to be spooked this is for you.
 The speaker also amazes me, we've never seen his face but he's so passionate and interesting I could listen to him speak forever, if there's one thing you do today it's check out some top 5's videos.

This is a website I've just recently came across and it's been my favourite site to go to this Halloween. It's kind of like the websites I mentioned above where you literally have everything and in particular if you're having a Halloween party this year this is the only website you'll need for inspiration. It even has a section for kids and adults so it's literally a perfect website and hopefully ones I'll be using for years to come.

Halloween Instructables- 
Halloween instructables is a site that I cannot get enough off and I think it's brilliant. It reminds me of pinterest in a way but even better as it gives you step by step instructions, it's exactly what you need if you fancy some DIY this Halloween.
Believe me once the weekend hits I'm in full Halloween DIY Mood and this website will become my best friend. 

Halloween is all about treating yourself and for spooky Halloween recipes then Hershey's is your stopping point, it has thousands of online, easy to follow recipes. I love this website but believe me when I say it's nothing on their previous Hershey's haunted Halloween house, now that I loved. 

When I say a website has everything I mean this website has everything from costumes to decorations to recipes it has it all. My plan for today??? Go through the entire website and bookmark what I'm going to make this weekend. 

Of course there are hundreds more websites out there when you're looking for Halloween ideas and inspiration. Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to Halloween ideas come follow me - lyndahennebry 
I hope this post gave you a few ideas that you can use this weekend.

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